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Fleetwood Mac Rumours Album Free //FREE\\ Download

This month's issue of UK music magazine MOJO features a free CD titled Rumours Revisted, a tribute to Fleetwood Mac's landmark 1977 album, Rumours. (Not the first time a Fleetwood Mac tribute album came out this year.) The compilation features covers by Yeasayer, Liars, Julia Holter, Pure Bathing Culture, The Besnard Lakes, Dylan LeBlanc, and more. You can stream Yeasayer's take on "Second Hand News" and Liars' reworking of "The Chain" below, and to hear the rest of the album, you might have to get your hands on a copy of the new issue of MOJO or scour the internet for a download. (Side note: I've always wanted to hear 2007-era Yeasayer cover "The Chain" but I guess some things will have to remain up to the imagination...)

fleetwood mac rumours album free download

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BON JOVI TRY TO LURE FANS AWAY FROM DOWNLOADSBon Jovi are offering fans an incentive to buy their latest CD rather than obtain a pirated copy from the internet by including a 13-digit number inside the packaging that gives fans access to exclusive content on the band’s website. Larry Mattera, head of new media at Bon Jovi's label Island Def Jam, says the band wanted to find imaginative ways of persuading fans to buy legitimate copies of their new album. "We need to ensure there is enough value in the CD itself to drive purchases," he told the BBC's Go Digital programme. "There is value in music but that has got lost in the last few years with the advent of the internet and the ability to file-share." Whether the initiative aids sales remains to be seen - copies of ‘Bounce’ are already online and one file sharing service has admitted it is one of the most popular downloads at the moment.

MORE COMPILATION MUSICALS First Abba, then Queen, and now, with a musical based around the music of Madness about to open in the West End and rumours rife of a Kylie musical, word is the songs of Rod Stewart and Fleetwood Mac are likely to hit the stage. Matthew Vaughan, who produced 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', is planning to use the music from Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album in a new show, while Ben Elton (the man behind the dreadful script to Queen musical ‘We Will Rock You’) is said to be writing ‘Tonight's The Night’ which will use music from Rod Stewart. Phil McIntyre, the producer of the Rod Stewart musical told the Independent: "Since the singer-songwriters of the 1960s there has been little appetite for writing specifically for the stage - hence the tributes".



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