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Fix Full Brazilian Keyboard Layout

The Portuguese (Brazilian) keyboard labels conform to the Portuguese (Brazilian) keyboard layout in Windows XP. The labels are printed on clear Lexan so the original key legend shows through; this allows you to add Brazil (Portuguese) labels to your existing keyboard so that it becomes a bilingual keyboard (Portuguese) and the original language of your keyboard). The labels are available in blue letters on clear labels (for beige and light colored keyboards) and white letters on clear labels (for dark colored keyboards).

FULL Brazilian Keyboard Layout

The keyboard layout used for this label conforms to the Portuguese (Brazilian) keyboard layout in Windows XP; Brazilian Portuguese is supported in Windows Vista, XP, ME, 98, and 95. Note: this label set is not compatible with Portuguese as written in Portugal. We have the Portuguese (Portugal) labels that matches the keyboard layout used for Portuguese in Portugal.

Here you will find a keyboard layout designed to access the extra symbols needed to write Brazilian indigenous languages, which are not found in standard national keyboard layouts. Versions are available for the Brazilian national keyboard (ABNT/ABNT2), the American keyboard (US), the British keyboard (UK) and the Spanish keyboard (ES). Select the correct product based upon the physical keyboard layout of your computer.

The following keyboards are available in ZIP format. Double-click to download the file, then extract the contents to a folder of your choice. After extracting, you will find a PDF file containing the documentation for the keyboard layout, and a setup file. Double-click on setup.exe to install the keyboard layout. Save and/or print the documentation according to your preferences.

Note: The Spanish (Latin America) keyboard layout is used throughout Mexico, Central and South America. In the last few years, vendors have been preferring the Spanish (Spain) layout as default; as of 2011, the latter is becoming dominant. Its most obvious difference with the Spanish (Spain) layout is the lack of a Ç key; it also lacks a tilde () dead key. Normally "Bloq Mayús" is used instead of "Caps Lock", and "Intro" instead of "Enter".

The latest Brazilian keyboard layout is the ABNT-2, that already has the proper keys to the use of the graphic symbols above. The ABNT-2 can be easily purchased here in Brazil for a reasonable price.

When setting up the keyboard layout to my bluetooth keyboard on my machine I saw the option to add a layout specific to Portuguese with the promise it would work with USA keyboards.But many letters are assigned to the wrong codes.

With that said, this is an upstream issue, and it would be great if some affected users could work together with the upstream maintainer to make more sense of the Portuguese (Brazil) keyboard layout options. An upstream issue can be filed here:

It sounds like everyone with the same question had the same issue - you are able to select the brazilian flag under the input sources but that's the same as an english keyboard. No difference whats so ever.

The alphanumeric section is the main part of thekeyboard and is where most of the keyboard variation occurs.When a user selects a keyboard layout, it is the keys in thissections that are most affected.

The standard "101" keyboard (commonly referred to as the "USlayout") is the only layout that has a "Backslash" key (labeled \) above a single-row Enter key. All the otherlayouts omit this key and expand the Enter key tooccupy two-rows.

Modern standard "101"-layout keyboards actually contain 104 keys: 61keys in the alphanumeric section and 43 keys in the numpad, control pad, arrow pad and function sections.The "101" name for this keyboard layout dates to thetime when this standard keyboard did in fact contain 101 keys. Thetwo Meta keys (commonly given an OS-specific label), and the Menu key were added later to bring the total to 104 keys.

A second key is also added (labelled # on a UKkeyboard) which is partially tucked under the Enter key.This key is encoded as "Backslash", using the same code as the \ key found on the "101" keyboard layout.According to [USB-HID], the US \ and UK # areactually two separate keys (named "Keyboard \ and " and "KeyboardNon-US # and "), but since these two keys never co-occur on thesame keyboard most platforms use the same scancode for both keys,making them difficult to distinguish. It is for this reason that thecode "Backslash" is used for both of these keys.

Modern "104"-layout keyboards contain 107 keys: 63 keys in the alphanumeric section and 44 keys in the numpad, control pad, arrow pad and function sections.Some Brazilian keyboards lack the extra numpad key and haveonly 106 keys.

The limited space available on laptop keyboards often means that thephysical key layout needs to be adjusted to fit all the requiredkeys. The writing system keys in the alphanumericsection tend to remain intact, but the other keyboard sectionsare usually combined with other keys or removed altogether.

In the case where a content author wishes to rely on the mechanicallayout of a mobile keypad, this specification suggests the keyboardconfiguration specified in [ISO9995-8], which defines a numeric keypadlayout and secondary assignment of Unicode characters in the range U+0061 ... U+007A ("a" - "z") to the number keys 2 through 9, as a common layout appropriate to someinternational uses.

Chording keyboards, also known as chorded keysets or chord keyboards, arekey input devices which produce values by pressing several keys incombination or sequence, normally to simulate a full range of charactersor commands on a reduced set of keys, often for single-handed use.Achording keyboard MAY have additional mode keys to switch between keyvalues, and the number and type of keys pressed to produce a key valuewill vary, but the final key values produced by such keyboards SHOULDmatch the range of key values described in this specification.

The alphanumeric section is the main section of the keyboard. Itcontains keys that fall into two generalcategories: writing system keys whose meaningchanges based on the current keyboard layout, and functional keys which are (mostly) the same for alllayouts.

Note that there are two "Backslash" keys in this figure: alarge one at the end of Row D on the 101-key layout, and asmaller one between "Quote" and "Enter" on Row C of the102-, 104- and 106-key layouts. Only one "Backslash" keymay be present on a keyboard layout.

The functional keys (not to be confused with the function keys described later) are those keys in the alphanumeric section that provide general editingfunctions that are common to all locales (like Shift, Tab, Enter and Backspace). With a fewexceptions, these keys do not change meaning based on thecurrent keyboard layout.

systemd uses /etc/vconsole.conf and includes both terminal font and keyboard layout settings but lacks advanced settings found in OpenRC. Valid values should match what OpenRC supports for the corresponding variable.

Modern X11 applications usually use x11-libs/libxklavier ("klavier" being German for "keyboard") and can be configured by using setxkbmap. Furthermore X11 supports much broader sets of keyboard layouts than is supported for virtual terminals.

It should be kept in mind that a proper desktop environment will do its own keyboard layout management. There is no need to directly use the aforementioned application but it can come in handy when dealing with broken or lacking keyboard layout management.

Finding the supported layouts and variants or values of other xkb properties does not appear to be possible with this application, although most of them are listed in the /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst file. To get the most complete list seems to be possible only by examining other files in /usr/share/X11/xkb/. For sake of sanity, it is advised to use of a proper desktop environment with its own keyboard layout management.

This method is recommended for configurations without desktop environments, in other words just X11 with a window manager. Since Gnome removed the ability to change the Keyboard layouts in GDM using the gnome-control-center, GDM also relies on this method on systems without systemd. Create the 10-keyboard.conf file and configure it with the appropriate keyboard settings.You can create the directory /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d if it does not exist.

This is necessary when more far-reaching changes have to be made to the keyboard layout, such as adding key assignments, or adding actions to function keys. Since such changes are actually enhancements to the source files of a package, it is recommended to use the User patching mechanism so that these amendments are preserved when the package is next updated.

A fuller description of the files in these directories can be found at An Unreliable Guide to XKB Configuration by Doug Palmer. It is a lot better than its name suggests. Further documentation can be found at xkeyboard-config's home page at

As an example, this section will enhance the British English keyboard layout such that typing a, o, or u with AltGr will generate the German umlaut letters ä, ö, and ü. It should also do the Right Thing for the upper case versions. The keys to enhance are A (), O () and U (). (The character ß is already assigned to AltGr+S.)

Identify the right file in the symbols directory. Most of these files are named as two letter country codes (such as gb for Great Britain) so guess the one which matches the keyboard layout currently selected in X. In this example, symbols/gb is enhanced.

The Brazilian keyboard, albeit QWERTY, has a number of its own characteristics. It contains dead keys for the five diacritical marks used in the language. The letter Ç (cedil) has its own key. It also differs from the Portuguese layout in the arrangement of numbers and signs on the keyboard.

This step-by-step guide describes how to use the United States-International keyboard layout in Windows 7, in Windows Vista, and in Windows XP.With the United States-International layout, you can type international and special characters by using combinations of keys.




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