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[S1E6] Crazy Handful Of Nothin' ((LINK))

  • In his car, Walt growls in victory as he clutches his recently earned wealth, high on the rush of what he has just accomplished. He then regain his composure and drives away, as police sirens can be heard in the distance.This episode provides examples of: Ax-Crazy: Tuco, who puts out a cigarette on his tongue, snorts meth off a large knife blade, and has a hair-trigger temper.

  • Bald of Evil: The first time we see Walt without his hair, he's storming out of Tuco's blazing office with the deal money in hand. Said office is burning because Walt set off a mercury bomb partly to get Tuco to take him and Jesse seriously, and partly in revenge for Jesse's beating, counting it as this, as the attack and deal with Tuco is another step in the dark direction Walt's life is taking. This episode starts his iconic bald look for the rest of the series.

  • Badass Bookworm: Heisenberg owns Tuco and his goons, despite their underestimating him.

  • Can't Get Away with Nuthin': Hugo gets arrested and fired for an ounce of marijuana in his possession and for minor misdemeanors on his record.

  • Chekhov's Lecture: Walt is in class at the beginning of the episode giving his students a lecture on fulminated mercury being a prime example of an explosion. Guess what causes an explosion in Tuco's hideout...

  • Dramatic Irony: The Cold Open in spades. While Walt is laying down the rules to Jesse as they prepare to start making meth again, it is intercut with scenes of the aftermath of an apartment explosion, and a bald man walking away with a large sack. And towards the end...Walt: (to Jesse) No matter what happens... no more bloodshed.(cut back to the aftermath and the man walking away)Walt: (voiceover) No violence.(music builds up to a crescendo as we cut to the man's face... and it's Walt)

  • Evil Feels Good: Walt experiences quite the adrenaline rush after blowing up Tuco's hideout.

  • Foreshadowing: Walt talks about fulminated mercury in his chemistry class Or about his own life?

  • High-Five Left Hanging: Skinny Pete clearly overstated how "tight" things were between him and Tuco, as his offer of a fist bump over the drug lord's desk is met with disdain.

  • Hired to Hunt Yourself: Hank consults Walt on who might have stolen the equipment from his chemistry lab. It was Walt.

  • How We Got Here: The teaser, dramatically juxtaposing Walt's declaration that there will be no more violence or bloodshed in their business over a scene of chaos and destruction that Walt seems to have caused.

  • Important Haircut: Walt shaving his head marks the point at which "Heisenberg" is born.

  • Improvised Weapon: Tuco using a sack of money to beat Jesse senseless.

  • Incoming Ham: Tuco at first comes off as cold and intimidating, but once he takes a hit from the meth Jesse gives him, his true character in all of its loud, unpredictable, and insane glory breaks out.

  • Internal Reveal: Walt finds out from Hank that Krazy-8 was the DEA's snitch who busted Emilio's operation, something the audience had already learned in a previous episode.

  • Jesse finds out about Walt's lung cancer, and about Walt getting involved in the meth trade to get his family a nest egg.

  • Kick the Dog: Poor Hugo. The guy is just the school janitor, is well-liked among students and faculty, and was very kind to Walt as he was dealing with his chemo-caused nausea. Unfortunately, after the theft of the lab equipment, the police determine him as the guilty party due to mild marijuana possession and some past misdemeanors and arrest him. He's found innocent for the crime, but still loses his job.

  • Let Me Get This Straight...: Tuco says as much, dumbfounded by Walt's demands- fifty grand for the pound of meth Tuco stole and Jesse's medical bills- and seemingly just bringing him more meth in exchange. As he learns quickly, it wasn't meth.

  • Macho Masochism: Tuco putting out a cigarette on his tongue. It wasn't in the script; Raymond Cruz just did it during filming. Bryan Cranston is genuinely shocked.

  • Nice Guy: Hugo the Janitor who cleans up Walt's vomit in the bathroom, saying, "He's got kids to teach".

  • Nice to the Waiter: Walt for his part is grateful for Hugo's kindness and is upset by Hugo's getting arrested and fired because of him (though obviously not enough to come clean himself).

  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Tuco delivers one to Jesse with a sackful of money, no less.

  • Ominous Hair Loss: Walter begins losing clumps of hair as a result of the chemo. Though Jesse offers some helpful advice to avoid hair loss, he ultimately shaves his head completely bald.

  • Pretty Fly for a White Guy: Some of the people Jesse deals to near the beginning of the episode is this. Not surprising, as he is one himself.

  • Profiling: Surely Hugo's ethnicity had nothing to do with the cops trying to pin the drug operation on him.

  • Shout-Out: The title refers to Cool Hand Luke.

  • Listen closely when Tuco's place is blown up. You can hear Howard Dean's infamous "Primal Scream".

  • Science Hero: Or Anti-Hero, as Walt continues to use chemistry to kick ass.

  • Stock Scream: When Tuco's office was blown up, one of the foley guys thought it would be a fun joke to sneak in Howard Dean's infamous scream.

  • Stuff Blowing Up: Walt using a piece of fulminated mercury to destroy Tuco's hideout.

  • Title Drop: Close. After Walt out-bluffs Hank in poker, Marie comments all Walt had was a "handful of nothin'".

  • Villain Respect: Despite Walt threatening him, Tuco genuinely appreciates Walt's ironclad balls.

  • Wham Episode: Walt shaves his head, takes the name of Heisenberg and intimidates Tuco into paying him for his meth by blowing apart his office with fulminated mercury.

  • Wham Line: "This... is not meth." Said by Walt just before he drops a fulminated mercury bomb.

"No matter what happens, no more bloodshed. No more violence."

[S1E6] Crazy Handful of Nothin'

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